30 January 2018

Are We Getting Safer?

Auth.net to disable TLS 1.0 & 1.1 "temporarily" "just to help you see" if you may be using it: https://www.authorize.net/blog/

19 January 2018

Drupal Modules

Creating Web solutions with Drupal requires an understanding of the place of the module. Modules are the controllers in that they 'know' about the public functions available in a particular class, and define the menu endpoints that are referred to in JavaScript. Modules lie between objects that access data and other elements of the site that rely on the data.

For example, a user clicks a button on a Webpage that invokes a JavaScript function. The JavaScript function invokes a PHP method in a PHP object, which in turn invokes a .Net object to obtain data from a database.

The .Net layer enables objects to be compiled into DLL files for data access. This method is popular due to the performance gains of compiled objects accessing database tables.

04 January 2018

Natural health care

_/|\_ namaste

These  are three good herbs to have in your medicine chest