12 May 2020

Ask the Global 30

The following is an excerpt from an article in Portrait, an online magazine (link below)
(Interviewer is Yang Lu)

P: The annual question of 2017 is “What scientific term or concept ought to be more widely known?” Why did you choose this question?

B: Richard Dawkins' “meme” became a meme, known far beyond the scientific conversation in which it was coined. It’s one of a handful of scientific ideas that have entered the general culture, helping to clarify and inspire. This question recognizes that there were many terms that clarify and inspire serious thinking.

On the other hand, not everyone likes the idea of spreading scientific understanding. Remember what the Bishop of Birmingham’s wife is reputed to have said about Darwin’s claim that human beings are descended from monkeys: "My dear, let us hope it is not true, but, if it is true, let us hope it will not become generally known."

P: What’s your answer about this question?

B: I have no answers. The question is the answer. Or, a better way of putting this: I am the guy who stands at the back of the theatre and turns the lights on and off.

P: What have you learned from this particular question?

B: Some of the most interesting topics included: Mysterianism (Nicholas G. Carr), Confirmation Bias (Brian Eno), Affordances (Daniel C. Dennett), Common Sense (Jared Diamond), Deliberate Ignorance (Gerd Gigerenzer), Intellectual Honesty (Sam Harris), The Neural Code (John Horgan), Neurodiversity (Joi Ito), The Anthropocene (Jennifer Jacquet), Premature Optimization (Kevin Kelly), Naïve Realism (Matthew D. Lieberman), Navier-Stokes Equations (Ian McEwan), The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Steven Pinker), Effective Theory (Lisa Randall), Haldane's Rule of the Right Size (Paul Saffo), Epsilon (Victoria Stodden), Coalitional Instincts (John Tooby), Embodied Thinking (Barbara Tversky).

28 March 2020

Rydberg Atoms


Warnings Issued For Millions Of Microsoft Windows 10 Users - Forbes

In the meantime, Microsoft offers impacted Windows 10 users the following workaround, which is not for the fainthearted: 

  • Restart the device, enter the BIOS
  • Turn off Secure Boot, restart the device.
  • In an administrative Command Prompt window, run:"%programdata%MicrosoftWindows DefenderPlatform4.18.1901-7MpCmdRun.exe" -revertplatform
  • Wait for one minute, and then do the following:
  • Run sc query windefend to verify that the Windows Defender service is running.
  • Run sc qc windefend to verify that the Windows Defender binary no longer points to version 4.18.1901.7.
  • Restart the device, re-enter the BIOS, and then turn on Secure Boot

That's no barrel of laughs, but given the Windows Defender flaw was widespread and potentially dangerous, it's clear Microsoft pushed out these fixes quickly. 

https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2020/03/28/microsoft-windows-10-warning-crashes-boot-problems-no-internet-wifi-upgrade-windows-10-free/ Warnings Issued For Millions Of Microsoft Windows 10 Users - Forbes 

15 March 2020

COVID-19 and Logic


During an epidemic, one number in particular matters a lot: it is called the net reproduction rate, and is denoted by R0 (in English, basic reproduction number).

It is the number of individuals who, on average, are infected by a single infected patient. 

It is therefore clear that the higher the R0, the worse the epidemic will be, in terms of total infected individuals and the rapid spread of the virus.

But what can we do to decrease R0?

Let's see it together. We call B the number of daily contacts of an infected individual leading to new infections, and C the average period of time (in days) during which an infected individual is contagious.

By definition, we have:

R0 = B X C

That is, the average number of individuals infected by an infected patient is equal to the average number of infectious contacts per day for the number of days the patient is infectious.

At this point, it is easy to understand that, to decrease R0, and therefore slow down or block the epidemic, we must:

1. decrease B, ie decrease the number of daily contacts of each potentially infectious individual

2. decrease C, that is decrease the number of days in which an infected individual can infect others

The first step involves quarantining all those who are potentially infected.

- If "potentially infected" is equivalent to symptomatic, of all those who manifest symptoms compatible with the infection;

- If on the other hand, as in the case of the SARS-Cov2 coronavirus, there is a suspicion that even asymptomatic individuals may be carriers of the virus and contagious, then only quarantine on a geographical basis and proximity to certainly infected individuals remains.

Quarantine affects the number of contacts; to decrease B, that is the number of daily contacts that lead to contagion, we can also make it more difficult for an "effective contact" by the virus, following those few indications that the ministry and WHO have given (sneezing in the hollow of the elbow, washing thoroughly hands etc.), using health aids such as masks (for potentially infected subjects) and protection for health workers or in any case implicated in containment (suits and masks).

The second point implies the strict isolation of infected patients (and therefore certainly contagious); obviously, since it will rarely be isolated from the first day of their contagiousness, it is only possible to decrease C, never completely reset it.

Acting on B and C, i.e. using health care devices appropriately and following WHO warnings, but above all implementing quarantine and isolation, can bring the value of R0, i.e. the average number of individuals infected by each infected subject, below of 1; which, although not with immediate effect, eliminates the epidemic.

Panic, disorder, bad coordination and poor collaboration of citizens are all elements which, on the other hand, lead to an increase in the B number in particular; in fact, when they are afraid, they engage in hoarding behavior (for example by decreasing the availability of health facilities where they would be needed) and, if the containment measures are not implemented in a controlled and orderly manner, they tend to have more contacts with each other than should (especially among family members, but also to get the necessary in the absence of clear plans and indications).

Trust in our institutions, doctors and the national health system helps to coordinate the necessary measures, and therefore to effectively decrease B and C.

Knowing R0, B and C helps to understand the reason for the containment measures and the restrictions imposed, to reason calmly and to organize what is best needed in the area.

It's all here, in the simplicity of two numbers, the secret to fighting a virus for which no drugs or vaccines are yet available.

12 January 2020

To var or not to var... in C-Sharp

Using the var keyword in C# to declare variables does save you some thought and can seem to speed things up, but as pointed out by Ian Griffiths in his books about programming in C#, "...although var saved you some work when you wrote the code, that gain is quickly wiped out by the additional thought required every time you go back and look at the code."

That said, there are some situations in which var is warranted. One is to avoid writing the name of the type twice.

So this:
    List<int> numbers = new List<int>();

Can be written as:
    var numbers = new List<int>();

You can drop the first List<int> without making this harder to read because the name is right there in the initializer.

C# supports anonymous types, and as the name suggests, it’s not possible to write the name of such a type. In these situations, you may be compelled to use var. (In fact, the var keyword was introduced to C# only when anonymous types were added.)

5G Delayed in Bussesls Over Radiation Concerns


10 January 2020

Scanning a QR-Code for Wi-Fi Access

There is an app available on the Microsoft Store that enables you to scan a QR code using your laptop's camera and then it will join that Wi-Fi network. For example, at a café  I was given the Wi-Fi password and I used it to join the Wi-Fi with my phone. Then I was able to open my network settings on my phone which presented me with the QR code and I could just show that to my laptop's camera to join, without having to re-enter the password.

08 January 2020